Live, work, and explore with 300+ others interested in building the future.

New technologies need new cities. Join us in Pattaya as we explore the future of consumer crypto, cryptography and more, bringing together the best of Devcon and Wonderfruit.

ZuThailand is a ZuVillage, part of the Zuzalu ecosystem.

A community of 300 people driven to build a better world.

Create a pop-up city that houses 200+ people from a diverse variety of regions and fields together for 2 whole months aimed to blend a variety of cultures fostering an environment where innovative experiments could make positive impacts on the world.

Create a pop-up city that houses 200+ people from a diverse variety of regions and fields together for 2 whole months aimed to blend a variety of cultures fostering an environment where innovative experiments could make positive impacts on the world.

Frequently asked questions

How is ZuThailand related to Zuzalu?

It is part of the Zuzalu Ecosystem, a zuvillage! Learn more about Zuzalu here.

When and how can we apply to the event?

Application will be announced approximately 3 months before event start. It will be linked on, and announced on Twitter.

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